Has the thought of going BIG ever stopped you from going at all?
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been taught my whole life that BIG is really the only way to go. If you’re going to do something:
Or …
…go home.
Two choices.
It makes me wonder, how many times did we deem our offering too small, too insignificant, so we hung our heads and told ourselves our only other option was a walk of shame back home? How many amazing gifts, miracles, and blessings has this world missed out on simply because the potential giver felt like their gesture wasn’t significant enough, impactful enough, BIG enough?
When BIG is the only acceptable standard, it’s hard to feel that anything we have, say, or do is ever enough.
Don’t get me wrong. There is something to be said for giant, sweeping efforts. There’s inherent beauty in those fearless moments where we dive right in, give it our all, and take no prisoners. It’s the end of every epic movie where our heroine gets up, kicks ass, and is hoisted onto victory’s ever-waiting shoulders.
I get the power of BIG and the place for BIG. I’ve embraced it occasionally, both personally and professionally, each time marvelling at the adrenaline and disruption that comes with fell swoops, abrupt upheavals, and wild and reckless abandonment.
So, I know BIG. I’ve played BIG. And I’ve gone BIG, with all sorts of varying opportunities for growth, success, and rebuilding. But, don’t ever threaten an introspective introvert with home.
Home is not a threat—it’s my reward. Home is where I have done some of my biggest dreaming, have taken some of my bravest steps, and have had some of my most brilliant conversations with God. Most importantly, home is where my people are, who remind me every day that even my smallest acts matter—and that I am always enough.
Home is also the precise location where we decided to start small and stay the course with The Soft Never launch. We had it in our minds that BIG was the only way to go but quickly realized that waiting for BIG can keep you in an indefinite holding pattern. Not everything calls for cannonballing into the deep end to create a seismic splash. Instead, we can move methodically into the water, embracing the power of even the faintest ripple as it fans out across the pool.
Today’s Soft Never
Today, we’re putting a Soft Never on the “Go Big or Go Home” mentality to recognize that the size of our “go” has absolutely no bearing on the size of our dreams, motivation, and endurance. We’re celebrating the beauty of starting small, stepping out, and staying the course, allowing the circumstances to unfurl at their own pace.
When was the last time you chose to start small and stay the course? Tell us about it in the comments below!
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